6 Ways To Make Your Wood Fence More Secure
The primary role of your fencing is to provide privacy and security for your property. But out of all the different types of fencing materials, the wooden fence remains a popular choice. Wood fencing can be in wooden fence horizontal slats or wooden fence panels vertical slats. Either way, wooden fences are durable enough to secure your property, as long as they’re installed and maintained properly.
Additionally, wooden fences are more environmentally friendly than other fencing materials as wood is a renewable source. Lastly, installing wooden fences can quickly boost your property value.
However, some homeowners might still be skeptical about choosing wooden fences to secure their property because they may not be the strongest privacy fence. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help improve your wood fencing’s security. Read on for six ways to make your wood fence more secure and reliable.

1. Build a Taller Wooden Fence
One of the quickest ways to tighten the security of your wooden fence is to make it taller. The taller your wooden fence is, the more secure it is as intruders will have difficulty climbing your property. Taller wooden fences will also protect your property from wild animals that may destroy your belongings.
To build a taller wooden fence, you’ll need at least 6ft wooden fence slats. Generally, a private wooden fence will likely be 6ft tall or higher. To be safe, check your state’s local regulations first about the allowed height of fences. You need to acquire a permit if you’re planning to build a fence that’s higher than average.
Once you’ve got your permits, you can seek help from a professional fencing service to help build a taller wooden fence for your property. Although you can try the do-it-yourself approach, these experts are more skilled at building durable wooden fences. Plus, they have access to the best type of wooden slats for fence, which they can use to secure your property.
2. Install Anti-Climbing Spikes
After making your wooden fence extra taller, you may also ask professional fencing builders to add anti-climbing spikes at the top. Anti-climbing spikes are designed to discourage intruders from climbing over your fence. They may sound and look dangerous, but in reality, anti-climbing spikes are only dangerous for people who’d try to climb over them.
Just like making your fence taller, it’s also recommended to check your state’s laws about using anti-climbing spikes. There may be types your city won’t allow or are way too dangerous even for the homeowners (e.g., barbed wire).
If you want something less dangerous but can still offer added security to your wooden fence, you may opt for rolling bars. Rolling bars are not sharp and can’t cause injury, but they roll when anyone tries to step or climb over them, making it more impossible to intrude. Or you can use high iron fences that’ll make climbing a challenge.
3. Cover Your Wooden Fence With Anti-Climb Paint
Another tactic to make your wooden fence more secure is covering it with anti-climb paint. This is a special type of paint that never dries and remains slippery. So, if anyone tries to climb over your fence, they’ll simply slide down. Commercial buildings and government facilities often use anti-climb paint on their fences for added security.
However, when painting, only apply paint on the top of the wooden fence slats. Otherwise, if you cover the entire fence with this paint, people who’d simply lean against the fence could slide down. Furthermore, it’s advisable to put a warning sign that anti-climb paint is applied on the wooden fences.

4. Keep the Rough Side of the Wooden Fence Inside
The wooden fence always has two sides. The first one is where you see the fence wooden slats installed and arranged neatly together. Meanwhile, the other side is where all the rails, posts, brackets, and nails can be seen. In short, this is the less presentable side of the fence. However, because of the rails, posts, and brackets, it also makes wooden fences a lot easier to climb onto.
Thus, when installing a wooden fence, keep the rough side of the fence facing inwards, while the neater side is faced outside. Not only will it make your wooden fence look nicer on the outside, but it’ll also make it harder for intruders to climb.
5. Add Thorny Plants
Another simple way to add more security to your wooden fence is by displaying thorny plants just outside the wooden fence. Like the anti-climbing spikes, these plants can add another deterrent and discourage intruders from climbing up into your property. Plus, some thorny plants can also improve your property’s landscaping.

6. Install Surveillance Cameras and Motion-Detecting Lights
Ultimately, the best way to make your wooden fence or other types of fence more secure, is by installing surveillance cameras or motion-detecting lights around your fence. Intruders and criminals who’d see that cameras or motion-detecting lights surround your fence will be discouraged from targeting your property and move along.
Key Takeaway
As you see, there are many ways you can improve the security of your wooden fence. But ultimately, the wooden fence itself is usually enough to provide privacy and security and work as a deterrent for potential intruders. So, if you have plans to improve your wooden fence, call your local fencing company today and start working on your wooden fence.
“Wood Fencing: An Attractive Option for Your House Boundary”, Source: https://gharpedia.com/blog/wood-fencing-for-house-boundary/
“The Standard Height For A Wooden Fence”, Source: https://www.gardenguides.com/13424842-the-standard-height-for-a-wood-fence.html
“Anti-Climb Products”, Source: https://www.insight-security.com/anti-climb-products